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What I Eat In A {School} Day/ Calorie Counter

Hi everyone, happy Friday! I have seen so many bloggers do a post where they track what they eat for a day then write a post about it. I kept track of everything I ate yesterday {Thursday}. On Tuesday's and Thursdays I have school, so this is a school day. Personally, I feel like I eat so much healthier when I am at school and in my routine there, so I wanted to make sure I tracked this on a school day. When I am at work, coworkers will buy me food and drinks. People will bring in home made baked good, so at work breaking my diet/routine can be very tempting. Now, lets get the day started with some breakfast.


When I do not have time to sit down and have a nice long breakfast, I will just have a small cup of milk and Entenmann's Little Bites, the blueberry flavored muffins.

Cup of milk: 50 calories

Little Bites: 180 calories


I had an almost 3 hour class at school yesterday, so I was starving after that class was over. Usually when I am at school, I love going to Chick-fil-A, but they have discontinued so many items from the menu because of COVID. There is literally only two options to chose from. A chicken sandwich or chicken nuggets, which is not really my vibe. I would only eat their salads, wraps or milkshakes. Lately, I have just been eating at the Student Center. I will get a free water from Starbucks to drink, a turkey sandwich to eat and chocolate pudding with whip cream for dessert.

Water: 0 calories

Turkey Sandwich: 480 calories

Chocolate Pudding: 150 calories


I went to the gym after I had lunch and ran for an hour and did an arm workout as well. I burned 700+ calories, so I needed a snack after all that. I stopped at Speedway and got myself these Mott's gummies that I love as a little splurge because I still had errands to do. I wanted a Slurpee, but the coke flavor was down)-: I needed something small to hold me over until dinner time after all that running.

Mott's Gummies: 200 calories


It's dinner time. I got home and made myself a wrap with chicken, cheese, lettuce and ranch dressing. I had a slice of pineapple on the side cut into 5 pieces. I drank a Minute Maid juice box with my meal. It may look small, but chicken wraps always fill me up I don't even know why, haha.

Chicken Wrap: 300 calories

Pineapple: 42 calories

Minute Maid: 80 calories


I have a bad habit where I am a late night snacker. I will get hungry again around 10 or 11p.m. Yesterday, I got hungry when I was watching Keeping up with the Kardashians, so I had a bag of Goldfish. When I do eat late I will either have a bag of goldfish or Cheez-its'.

Goldfish: 120 calories

That is everything I ate in a day! Let's add up all of the calories and get the total amount of calories I eat in a day:

50 + 180 + 150 + 480 + 200 + 80 + 42 + 300 + 120 = 1,602 - 700 = 902 calories a day

Seems like a good amount for my body type. Thoughts or comments?! This was fun to keep track of everything I eat in a day. I feel like I eat pretty healthy and work out too, which is good for the mind, body & soul, lol! See ya in the next one.




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