Hi everyone, happy Monday! Today on the blog I am reviewing a Chanel Classic Flap knock off. Now, with this bag, you can obviously tell it is not a Chanel. I do not like bags that are direct replica's of the designer ones. This is a cute knock off from Amazon that was sent to me. I have not been able to put this bag down since I have received it. I just love it that much. Keep reading for my complete review of the bag, and everything I can fit inside.
The Actual Chanel Classic Flap

Amazon Chanel Classic Flap Knock Off

6.7 * 2.8* 4.7 in / 22* 7* 12 cm.
Tear-resistant, waterproof, environment friendly PVC. Frosted texture, alloy metal buckle and chain ensure high strength and durability.
Double chains design, easy to adjust the length. You can either wear it as a cross body bag or hang it on your shoulder as a shoulder bag.

Outfit Details:
Everything I Have Inside

Rose Scents

Final Review:
Color: 10/10
Texture: 9/10
Size: 9/10
Shape: 10/10
Lock: 10/10
Smell: Slight Odor When Came In Mail
Chain: High Quality, Sturdy
Overall, I love this bag so much; it reminds me so much of a Chanel bag. There is just no back pocket, and obviously no Chanel logo. I would definitely purchase this bag myself. I will be using this all summer long. Here is the link again to purchase the bag.